Sunday, November 15, 2015

First steps for OXFORD BULLS

Report from the Bulls' first match of the season on 11 October - apologies from webmaster for the delay in posting.
First match played against Maidenhead, was a tough cookie. We started strong, even though it was our first match. Most of the time we knew what we were doing. Due to some uncontrollable factors like wind and terrible lightning in the venue we lost few crucial points at the end of the first set, which finished 18:25. Second set was more straightforward. We were struggling with our service and getting very confused with the instructions given by Maite. Whether, it’s a number of a player or number of a position we have to serve on. Moreover, one of the Maidenshead’s players has a huge vertical jump and that’s where referee should have stepped in quite a few times. We lost the second set 19:25 and the match. My personal plan for the match was to let them think they are better and let them win first two sets. Unfortunately, after 2nd set I realised that there was no 3rd.  I would like to point out that Neil has done nothing wrong in both sets.

Second match against Basingstoke was a different story. It started very promising as I overcome certain embarrassment and asked my team mates about the numbering of positions before we got out there. To anyone who thinks it is too late to ask about – it’s never too late kids…it’s never too late. We finally played with smiles on our faces. Basically everything was working out except couple moments were we lost few points in a row.  First set finished 25:21. Second set was a walk in the park really. Hits, pick-ups, pipe, double pipe. Second set finished 25:9 and it was first victory of the season. Again I would like to bring to your attention that Neil has done nothing wrong at all during this battle.

Written by Marcin

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