Junior section player and parent codes of conduct

Player Code of Conduct 
·       Players are expected to arrive at the gym with enough time to get ready and start the training on time
·       Players are expected to wear appropriate sports attire to all practices: sports shoes, shorts/leggings/sports trousers and t-shirt
·       Players are expected to pay attention and follow coaches’ instructions at all times
·       Players are expected to take part in all drills and work hard for the entirety of practice -­‐ this means running/jogging between drills, water breaks, collecting balls, etc
·       Players are expected to display good sportsmanship on and off the court
·       Players are expected to speak respectfully to coaching staff and teammates at all times 
·       Players will be removed from a drill and/or practice for insubordination towards coaching staff, fighting with teammates, and/or profanity use

Any failure to adhere to this code of conduct might result in player exclusion and membership cancellation
Parent Code of Conduct 

I acknowledge that coaches, administrators and support personnel are volunteering their time and deserve my respect and gratitude for what they are providing.

·       Parents should let their child be accountable to themselves, their team and their coaches
·       Parents will conduct themselves responsibly at all tournaments, practices, and events
·       Parents will request their athlete to treat others with respect at all times
·       Parents will never be allowed to ridicule or criticize an athlete or coach
·       Parents will control the urge to coach their child and refrain from the inclination to give them tips. Parents can help the coaches by coaching attitude, not skill
·       Parents will refrain from talking to players during practice or games
·       Parents whose child plays in a team will assist in car-pooling whenever possible

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